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Laws of Hermes



Seven Laws of Hermetics


You have heard of these laws as the seven laws of Hermetics for a long time. They are composed of basic statements that are subject to interpretations


Here are my interpretations:



1. The law of mentalism:

 All of the Universe is connected by one universal mind. Everything we do is recorded in that universal mind and our subconscious is able to draw from it.  This is the basic law of learning lessons and not reliving them.


2. The law of correspondence:

As above so below. Of the macro in the micro. The ability to reason things out intelligently. All things interrelate.


3. The law of vibration:

 Nothing rests. Everything is moving. Everything has a vibrations. The more animated something the higher a vibration level the object has.



4. The law of polarity:

All things are dual in nature. Opposites are identical but different in degree. All things are balanced in their extremes of opposition.


5. The law of rhythm:

All things move at a rhythmic rate. Sine wave as it were. Ups and downs.

All things move in a circular relation to each other.


6. The law of gender:

All things contain masculine and feminine qualities. All require both genders to survive and propagate.


7. The law of cause and effect:

No matter what you do it has an effect on someone or something. Push on a door hard enough and it opens. Tell a stranger to have a pleasant day and they may not be so angry at someone else. Tap your brakes and cut across three lanes on the interstate and you will effect a traffic jam behind you. This is the law most forget about and get smacked about the most with. This is the law that has invoked the ‘Three Fold Law’.