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Science is constantly catching up with us.


Here are a few things that you may not be aware of and

 a few things you must be aware of.


Magickal energy follows the laws of magnetic energy.

Magickal energy applied to water has the same reaction as electro-magnets placed around water..

The only difference is that the person broadcasting the magickal energy need not be in proximity of the water.

Once you ‘master’ the applications of magickal energy you are no longer human by typical definition.

Once you have the knowledge and use of magickal energy you have great personal responsibility.

For since you are now capable of such healing efforts that same effort can be used to cause internal damage of a body.

There will never be any tolerance of misuse of healing or magickal energy.

There are NO exceptions EVER.

Magickal and/or Healing energy is to only be used when someone ask for assistance.

There are NO exceptions other than your own minor children.

There has been some great work with Z.P.E. (Zero Point Energy).

ZPE is the same energy that exist in space outside of Earthly emotional influence.

ZPE is the purest form of energy.

ZPE is for lack of a better word an Oracle of energy.

ZPE tends to mask your energy identifier.

Emotional feedback is not as evident when in use.

Vision seams to be much clearer.

ZPE can be used as a bridge when needed.

One of our goals is to do what we can without ZPE and beyond ZPE capabilities.

As stated before we are no longer human under the typical definition:

We are more humane than the majority.

We live in reality.

Everything we do has purpose and cause with no intent to harm anyone.